
Nokia 2720 unless otherwise noted.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Small Hand

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  The small hand just moved too fast and I was unable to overcome the resistance. Got the light weight routine in.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  This time I just slept in late. I felt like I really needed the rest after the yesterday that left me feeling like I wore myself out for nothing. I don't know if it is all in my mind but it doesn't matter because the net result makes it real.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Every Other Day

It looks like my life is forcing me into an every-other-day routine here. Maybe it is a good thing to do this every once and again. I felt like crap at the beginning of the run but quickly loosened up. I doubled back for three life guard stations to extend my distance. This is a good sign as I am getting in more distance in a very gradual way. This time I really just felt like staying out there all day. The orange sunlight was highlighting the wash of the waves. This would have been a good day to have just found out I held a winning lottery ticket. Well, I guess I got the feeling and didn't need to win in after thought. Maybe that is what it is all about, enjoying those little moments.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  Today I got worn out and I let work beat me. Started the morning behind and did not have a chance of making it out for a run.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Start of a Good Streak?

Went to bed fairly early, before 12:00 so I didn't have too much trouble waking up at 5:00 AM. Had a great cup of coffee and got out the door. They were already set up for a surf contest and surfers were running out in the dark and paddling out. There were some nice sets of waves hitting shore.

I felt good and pushed it a bit. The heart rate monitor hit beyond my "rule of thumb" maximum rate a couple of times. I just felt good. I guess there is a good possibility that I will feel good just before my heart attack. I had in mind a local 8K race that is coming up in 14 days and decided to push a bit further. I went two lifeguard stations beyond usual. Now I admit, these may be miniscule strides for most but I am taking this only relative to myself. I feel the possibility of a good streak beginning. Now this is something I could really use.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Kayak Sunday

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  Feeling so bad about my poor performance of last week, especially after coming off of the completion of a goal (5K), I decided to console myself out on the kayak. Saw a very interesting osprey flying around diving catching fish and showing off his big claws. This bird put on an impressive show. Got some photos on my other camera but I limit myself to phone pictures here so sorry. Even though I got a good cardio workout paddling, I have decided this cannot count for running so another "X" for today. Maybe running those events does more harm than good?

Saturday, February 13, 2010


XXXXXXXXXXXXXX  The chores that were piling up around me demanded my morning. I did not go take a run, did not take a hike or a long walk. I didn't even do the indoor routine. I watched TV in between my chores and then before I knew like so many times before, the day was gone. Oh, and I drank a few beers!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Battling the Rut

It just wasn't happening this morning. I spent a few too many minutes previewing my work email trying to get a jump on the day. Before I knew it the big hand on the clock made a giant leap forward forcing me to rely on the indoor routine once more to prevent accumulating another "X". I really am glad I gave myself this out to save me. Otherwise I would probably figure I lost and give up.

After the burn I got last time, I pushed it again trying to get all the benefit I could out the small amount of time I had.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hit the Beach!

What a battle. And a battle with an invisible force. It just sneaks up and tries to derail you. Sometimes the only way to beat it is just to play dumb and robotically get out there and run. I really hate to say it, but time and time again I find the NIKE motto "Just do it!" is the best weapon.

So today I just did it. I went out and ran for 38 minutes. There was lots of interesting wrack washed up on shore but my phone was still sitting on the counter taken apart so I could not get any photos. Oh, did I forget to mention that on Monday it was raining and I opened the car door and the phone slipped out of my hand and I tried to catch it but accidently hit it and it flew under the car and into the gutter in 1-1/2" of running water? It was in three pieces and I thought it was done. So I got a can of that compressed air and blew out all the water I could then just let it air dry. I tried it this morning but is would not respond. So I took it back apart and set it on the counter. When I got home from work, I put it back together and tried it one more time. Well, it lit up and took forever to boot but once it did, it was fine. We'll see how it does in the coming days.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Indoor Option

I relied on the indoor option this morning to avoid another "X". Actually this routine made me a bit sore. I guess I hit some muscles I don't use in the run. I still think this should be done in addition to the run but I have not yet figured out how to work both into one day.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


XXXXXXXXXXXXX  What is my excuse today? Well, I have an appointment this morning and I have a lot to get done before that. I feel a bad streak coming on...

Monday, February 8, 2010


XXXXXXXXXXXX  I had a lot to do at work, so I decided it would be a good day to skip the run and allow myself to recover. I plan is to try to be able to stick with this for the long run, have patience and allow myself to gradually get fit.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl 5K Run

Actually managed to find my way through all the obstacles that try to get in the way and actually made it to the event and completed the 5K. My car is making strange sounds but I drove it anyway. My bankcard was disabled due to a recent bank turnover and I never received a new card. Parking was tough to find and we started going round and round while the starting gun was counting down. Finally got a spot and had to run to the starting line and the mass of people surrounding it. They were counting down and then fired the gun while we were still half a block away. It turns out it did not matter as it took the large crowd so long to thin out that the back of the line still hadn't started to move.

Did much better than I thought I would and felt much better too. Ended up finishing in the 37-40 minute range. I anticipated finishing more like 45 minutes since there were hills in the course and I haven't yet run hills.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Preparations for Sunday

XXXXXXXXXXX  I let the excuses rule again today, and plenty of excuses did I have.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Forced Run

Yesterday built up in a bad way and carried over to today. I layed there dreading everything. Now as a result of yesterday, I felt rigor mortis setting in. I started feeling a sort of guilt as I knew I had that commitment to do that 5K run on Sunday. I felt everything at work was negative, I put in a lot of time and effort that still resulted in very negative. Based on experience, I decided not to think about anything and just forced myself to get up and go. I could not put myself through the stretch and got the running shoes on and headed out the door. This actually put me out there about fifteen minutes earlier than usual. Hey, at least I had one positive to build on. I stood there at the parking meter and inserted ten dimes and two nickels. I've been wanting a way to get rid of all those small coins. Now that's two positives under my belt.

Started my stiff dead body parts moving in a jerky fashion hoping things would warm up. This was not a good feeling but again decided to tune it out. Got down to the beach and it was too dark to get a decent photo. As I continued running, I did start to feel a little better. Now I started concentrating on how far I could go before the heart rate monitor said I had to slow down.  Before I knew it, I was already to the pier. Hey, how did that happen? This was my best time yet! Still very poor but for me this was a great stride. I was six minutes ahead. Thinking my clouded head might be mistaken, I logged the time and headed back. I picked on a few seagulls at the end of the pack and sprinted toward them. They were shocked to see this zombie sprinting toward them as they screeched and flew off in a hurry, the last one's feet and right wing tip clipping the top of a small wave. I was happy to see that the heart rate monitor did not go above 164 BPM.

When I got back to the point at which I usually head back to the car, I realized I did not get in my 30 minute minimum. So I doubled back for five minutes and then back again. I ended up with a nice 36 minute run. I felt like I made a comeback from the dead.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Missed Day Ten

XXXXXXXXXX  Missed my run as I got beat by work stress today. I felt it all over. It just dragged me down and this continued all day and was reinforced to make for a very long unproductive day. I felt like crap with no particular specific problems, just a general overall bad feeling. I can't let that mode or mood continue.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Value of Participating in a Running Event

I've got this 5K coming up and I can't let this slide continue. Got myself out of bed went for the run. The first quarter of the run was horrible. I thought I lost all of the little bit of conditioning I had gained. But suddenly I started to loosen up and everything started to feel good. I felt like I could run a little longer with a little less effort. Heartrate was running in the 144-161 range but breathing was quite easy. I finished up the two mile run in less than 30 minutes. Still way off 5K condition but considering I was almost dead yesterday, this was pretty good.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Stacking Up

XXXXXXXXX  This is the kind of slide that terminates a good resolution. I felt like maybe it was my day to have the ticker stop ticking. I couldn't bring myself out of it in time to get out. Worked late and felt death walking right behind me.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sleepy Head

XXXXXXXX  I overslept and had to get in to work. Had visions of saving the day with an evening run but ended up staying at work too late.